Why do blood tests come back with everything in the “normal” range, and yet we still feel so bad with worsening symptoms?
In this episode, I talked with a Functional Bloodwork Specialist to dig deeper into the difference between functional and standard testing and why so many people leave a medical appointment, none the wiser.
Do whatever feels right for you to commit to taking action this week. There’s nothing more important than taking care of your health.

Tiffany Spalding
Tiffany Spalding is a Functional Blood Work Specialist and a Certified Health and Stress Coach. She works with clients to help discover the root cause of their symptoms and fatigue by helping to find answers in their blood work.
I don’t treat symptoms and I don’t treat diagnosis. I view your body as a whole system. I help people who have been told that everything is ‘Normal’.
That starts with reviewing the lab results because- Blood Work doesn’t LIE!
Connect with Tiffany Spalding:
Website: https://simplycultivated.com
Connect with Rita De Michele:
A Mindset and Empowerment Coach, Podcast host and the Founder of the Onus platform.
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